Teledyne Benthos ROV

The Teledyne Benthos line of ROVs incorporates some of the best features available in inspection class ROVs. The current line of vehicles addresses a broad range of applications, options, and accessories.

The SeaROVER, is the newest addition to the ROV product line, and is designed with the payload centric approach — the ROV is built around the sensor! The SeaROVER Series can be expanded to accommodate different sensors and literally “flies” the sensor underwater.

The MiniROVER® is an extremely powerful, highly portable system with built in connectivity for many optional sensors, including imaging
sonars. It was developed in response to customer requests for a portable but powerful ROV system. Over 500 of Benthos’ MiniROVER series vehicles have been sold.


Rounding out the Benthos ROV product line is the Stingray. The Stingray ROV has two built-in slide rails for easy installation of additional buoyancy, tools, cameras, lights, sensors, sonars or frames. The Stingray comes standard with three connectors for optional equipment and two camera connectors, giving the vehicle a high level of flexibility.

The SeaROVER, MiniROVER, and Stingray are Teledyne Benthos’ solution to the ever-changing needs of inspection class ROV customers.